Central Coast Wholesale

CBD BioMass

Even though it is common industry practice to refer to the whole dry plant matter as “hemp biomass” (including flowers), this is not exactly the case. According to experts, the correct definition includes the stalks, leaves and flowers, only after they have been extracted.  In general, we can distinguish three primary parts of the plant: hemp flowershemp seed and stalks. Highest CBD concentration can be found on the flower, but can be extracted from the biomass as well.

High CBD hemp biomass can be used for the manufacture of CBD distillate and CBD isolate, as well as hemp oil used for food products. It is important to have a strategy regarding on your business goals before obtaining the suitable type of hemp biomass. High-CBD hemp biomass is more expensive than fibre biomass used for textile and pellet manufacture. At IHF, we have all types of premium hemp biomass available for sale. Please contact us now if you are interested to sell or buy biomass.

All of our BioMass tests above the 15% mark. You can count on our hemp to make a high quality oil with an undeniable potency.